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Creatine: description and properties

In 1832, the French scientist Chevrel discovered organic acid found in the musculature. And only after a century and a half, creatine was actively used in sports nutrition as a source for muscle growth. It is absolutely safe, but the benefits will become apparent only if certain application rules are followed.

Creatine: pros and cons

Creatine is synthesized by the kidneys and liver from derivatives that enter the body through food. An ideal source workout blog is animal products. Most creatine in veal meat. But to fully support the body, you need to consume a lot of meat with blood daily, which is unrealistic. That is why all doubts about whether creatine is for or against should be discarded and chosen only for. Most importantly, it is creatine that is the source of protein and energy.

Its deficiency is manifested by characteristic symptoms:

  • prostration;
  • drowsiness;
  • burning in the muscles.

The desire to continue training in this state simply disappears. For an active person who devotes much time to training, you need about 1.3 g of creatine per day. To do this, you need to eat about 600 g of meat with blood, which not every athlete can afford. That is why it is better to use supplements containing creatine.

Composition and chemical properties

Creatine: description and properties

Athletes carefully monitor their nutrition, limiting themselves in many ways. Therefore, the optimal intake of creatine in the body only with food is impossible. The effects of creatine become apparent quite quickly. It helps to quickly restore physical strength and carry out active training, working with heavy weight.

The effect of creatine on the body is felt from the first minutes of training. To perform even the first exercise, the body needs energy that comes from the muscles.

This occurs through the synthesis of energy from proteins, carbohydrates, fats. But this happens a little later after the start of the load. In this short period of time, creatine should be the source of energy.

It is impossible to replenish the body with the necessary amount of creatine, eating about a kilogram of meat before training. This is unrealistic. The only way out is sports nutrition containing creatine. But you need to make the right choice, since there are certain properties of such additives and contraindications. By choosing the right supplement, you can completely saturate the body with the required amount of creatine.

Operating principle

Many will be interested to know how creatine monohydrate works after taking the supplement. When eating food with cretin, it accumulates in the muscles, which provokes the following processes:

Creatine: description and properties

  • the rate of cholesterol transportation and its quick withdrawal increases;
  • the output of lactic acid is accelerated, the excess of which provokes microtrauma;
  • the process of transporting oxygen in the muscles is accelerated;
  • retention and ligament of water in the muscles necessary to restore alkaline balance and thermoregulation.

The obvious positive side effects of creatine are already felt at the first training session. A person feels a surge of physical strength and lack of fatigue after a hard workout. During training, the athlete understands that he can easily add a few more repetitions, which was not the last time. This is a prime example of the effects of creatine on the body. But increasing endurance, performance, not all the positive aspects when taking creatine. It still favorably affects the functioning of the whole organism, and not only during training.

Benefits of Creatine

Creatine is equally important for people who prefer a vegetarian lifestyle. Lack of meat in the diet leads to pathological fatigue. In this case, supplements containing creatine are simply necessary and the effect will not take long.

This component is useful not only for active people. Doctors recommend creatine to simple people of an older age category who feel constant symptoms of overwork and loss of strength. But the benefits of creatine may not be obvious to everyone. It depends on the individual characteristics of each.

Among the main positive aspects, it is necessary to highlight:

  • increased stamina;
  • increase in muscle mass, but subject to regular exercise;
  • muscle improvement;
  • surge of physical strength, lack of fatigue even after power loads;
  • elimination of lactic acid, which provokes an unpleasant burning sensation in the muscles during exertion;
  • normalization of cholesterol;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • strengthens the heart muscle;
  • prevention of unpleasant symptoms of muscle atrophy;
  • protection of the central nervous system from a lack of oxygen;
  • increase immunity.

In medical practice, there are cases when it was possible to restore even atrophied muscles and improve brain activity in elderly people who had severe pathologies that had been lying down for a long time. The benefits of creatine are obvious. But along with this, there is harm that everyone who makes the choice of such nutrition needs to know about.

In what cases is contraindicated

The presence of a large number of positive characteristics should not promptly start taking such biological additives.

For a century and a half since the discovery of creatine, scientists have been trying to prove that it has no contraindications and is absolutely safe. Creatine can be harmful only to those people whose body does not perceive its intake, or if taken improperly, if the dosage is disturbed.

The harm of creatine to the body is manifested in the following side symptoms:

  • dehydration or fluid retention;
  • the appearance of a rash or acne on the face;
  • pressure surges;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea, constipation, nausea);
  • violation of dosage is harmful to the heart;
  • irritability.

Some skeptics argue that negative consequences can manifest as erectile dysfunction or infertility. This is absurdity without official evidence. Subject to all the conditions of admission, the harm of creatine to the body is minimal or none at all.

Varieties of Creatine

In order to get the most benefit from creatine, you need to know which species or form is more beneficial to the body.

There are several types.

  1. Citrate (monohydrate). Water-soluble creatine in combination with citric acid gives a greater supply of muscle energy.
  2. Ethyl ester is able to be synthesized into monohydrate, but less effective for the body.
  3. Liquid. It does not give much effectiveness when ingested. This form contributes to the rapid breakdown of creatine, turning from active to inactive.
  4. Micronized soluble but poorly absorbed creatine.
  5. Creatine Nitrate Acquires an active form only when interacting with nitrates. According to experts, it is not of particular benefit.
  6. Magnesium Chelate. The action is similar to monohydrate, able to increase efficiency.
  7. Buffered. It has a high pH level, which explains its relevance among athletes.

There is much debate about which creatine is good and which isn't.

Professionals recommend choosing a supplement that includes:

  • monohydrate;
  • L-carnitine;
  • L-tartrate;
  • Corosolic acid.

It is commercially available in the form of a natural, slightly sweetish-tasting supplement that does not contain fillers or other taste impurities. Therefore, they take creatine with pleasure.

Selection of the optimal dosage

For optimal performance and muscle growth, it is important to choose the optimal dosage of creatine.

There are two options in which creatine begins to act:

  1. For days without loading, you should consume 5-6 g of creatine after training. Can be combined with a protein shake, juice. Accepted for 2 months, taking a monthly break between doses.
  2. When loading, you must adhere to the scheme - in the first week 5 g 3-4 times a day, then reduce the dose to 2 g and take three weeks after training. A month break, and you can restore the reception.

If a food mix is used, it is necessary to study in the instructions how much creatine is contained in grams in one scoop.

Admission Rules

The dosage of creatine should be selected individually, focusing on the weight of the person. It is important to adhere to certain rules of admission, given contraindications.

For a healthy person, it looks like this:

  • the first 5 days, 5 g after training and in the evening, for a month with a monthly break;
  • 5 g per day 4 times a day for a month, then a 4-week break, and you can resume taking.

For the correct calculation, it is better to use a certain formula: multiply the weight of the athlete by 0.03. The result will be a single dose. Reception time - after training in the evening or after training in the morning. Too much weight should not increase a single dosage. It should not exceed 5 g at a time. For a healthy person, 3-4 g is enough to restore energy and build muscle.

Possible adverse reactions

A large number of experts claim that creatine does not give side effects. But people who are just starting to introduce it into their diet are wondering if creatine is harmful.

Side effects:

  • an increase in the volume of fluid in the body;
  • dehydration;
  • minor cramps;
  • cramping
  • heart rhythm disturbance;
  • digestive disturbance;
  • the appearance of a rash, acne.

But more often bodybuilders have difficulties of this nature due to dosage violations during admission.

Body water retention and dehydration

Most athletes are concerned about a problem such as water retention, which affects the kidneys and can lead to their degradation. This is a misconception: there should not be any burden with proper admission. It is important to ensure that diuretics are not taken during administration. Water retention is excluded if there is no kidney disease.

Cramps and digestive upset

Probably, creatine is still not fully understood, if many athletes still have so many suspicions. It is prescribed to people who have had a stroke during the rehabilitation period and to support the joints, heart. Perhaps the appearance of nausea, upset stomach. It is important to determine the dosage correctly in order to eliminate such consequences. Creatine cannot be dangerous.

Skin problems and allergic reactions

This is another of the side effects that results in overkill with creatine. But here, such a cosmetic defect as acne, may indicate that creatine in the body is enough and it effectively performs its functions. This is because taking creatine activates the production of the male hormone testosterone, which is necessary for muscle growth.

In general, creatine is absolutely safe if used in the required doses. An overdose can put a strain on the liver and pancreas, which are involved in the production of natural creatine. It is better that there is a norm, then any problems are excluded, and muscle growth is guaranteed.


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