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Myst 5
На uCrazy 16 лет 3 месяца

Что если Dr Mario имел бы стихи

I am Doctor Mario and I am saving lives
I look different in this game,
(I lost the hat, got a coat, doctor's light, stethoscope)
I am Doctor Mario and I prescribe high fives
Laughter's the best medicine so BAH-HAH-HAH you fell down.

In the Mushroom Kingdom, I'm the finest doc by far
I got my degree by watching House and Scrubs and E.R.
Brightly colored pills! They'll cure all your ills!
Just as long as you've got fever or the chills

Take off your pants... good, now let's see...
turn your head and cough...
okay, now do me.

Does it hurt to pee? (No.)
Is it hard to see? (No.)
I am diagnosing you with HPV (Oh.)

You've got mononucleosis, halitosis, scoliosis, fifteen days is my prognosis
You need red and blue pill doses!
You've got scabies and phlebitis, chronic rabies, hepatitis,
You'll be brave and you'll unite us (then you'll die of menengitis)
Wait wait--I'm wrong--you have... crabs.

Brightly colored pills! They'll cure all your ills!
Just as long as you've got fever or the chills!
Take it Floss!
(Piano solo by a handsome bald man)
Dr. Mario!

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Поддержать uCrazy
  1. rusk
    На uCrazy 15 лет 11 месяцев
    ни че не понял о прикольно ))))))))))
  2. pubmaster
    На uCrazy 17 лет 8 месяцев
    Марио был не доктором вобщето. Дермище сука.
  3. armyman
    На uCrazy 16 лет 9 месяцев
    мозг разрывает эта "песня" death
  4. Lisa_Rowe
    На uCrazy 17 лет 5 месяцев
    Автора самого видимо поимели не 1 раз, заголовок уёбищный death
  5. Kokss
    На uCrazy 16 лет 1 день
  6. кислая
    На uCrazy 14 лет 11 месяцев
    мило..но помойму акцент немецким отдает хоть и по инглишу спрехает))))

