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Denny Crane
На uCrazy 13 лет 6 месяцев


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Текст :lol: :

Oppan Gotham Style
Gotham Style

I'm shooting music video,
I walk right at the camera,
I'm drinking on the playground,
hey, look at this dancing baby.
Do the horse riding dance,
you know it is so easy
Oh and by the way I'm Batman!

In the sauna, with all the other guys, I need a girl, hey! Are you that girl? hey!

Got killer dance moves, I grab my fake boobs Spider man, hey Monster hands, hey

I'm gonna grab that girl and teach her how to dance,

Oppan Gotham Style
Gotham Style
Oppan Gotham Style
Gotham Style
Oppan Gotham Style
Eh- sexy lady Oppan Gotham Style
Eh- sexy lady O-oo-o

Elevator open Green Lantern thrusts his junk above me
Elevator dance That guy really knows how to move it.
Elevator Close Now you can no longer see me.
Hey we're stuck in here, we're stuck in here.

I walk in slow-mo into the subway
And there she dance, hey! Catwoman Dance, hey!

Look at that ass, that is a cat ass,
Look at her go, i hide my bone,
I want to take that skin-tight leather catsuit off,

Open Gotham Style
Gotham Style
Oppan Gotham Style
Gotham Style
Oppan Gotham Style
Eh- sexy lady Oppan Gotham Style
Eh- sexy lady O-oo-o

You know what I'm saying?

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Поддержать uCrazy
  1. O_N_D_R_E_Y
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    Because I'm Batman! batman
  2. crazytoser
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  3. _Rammstein_
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  4. DayNwort
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  5. Фарфоровая
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  6. Shevcheek
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    талая пародия, оригинал куда интереснее )))

